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Troubleshoot e-mail messages with restricted permission

You can create e-mail messages with restricted permission using Information Rights Management only in Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003.

ShowI want a message with restricted permission to expire on a particular date for the message recipients, but I am worried that I won't be able to access the message after the expiration date.

ShowI was able to access an e-mail message with restricted permission previously, but now I can't.

ShowI replied to an e-mail message with restricted permission, but the original message wasn't included.

ShowWhen I try to open an e-mail message I received, Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 says I need to use Passport to access the message.

ShowI can't open an e-mail message with restricted permission when I am working offline.

ShowAn attachment I included in a message with restricted permission now has restricted permission too.